Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lots of Exercising and Burning Calories.

I used the Wii Fit 5-in-1 Bundle, Active Life Outdoor Challenge and Wii Sports - Boxing. I also spent some time on Shaun White Snowboarding Road Trip, I love playing this game, especially with the balance board. I wish that snowboarding was around when I was a kid, I would have loved it. Actually, I am getting jealous because the kids have all the fun.

It is so funny, that I was never into playing games, until the Nintendo Wii, now I put in 1 1/2 to 2 hours a day, playing video games. It has cut into my TV watching, but what the heck, it is a lot more fun than watching TV. It is also nice to be able to do some exercising and play some wholesome sports games instead of watching TV. If you are interested in checking out some of my favorite sports games go to Top Ten Sports Games for the Nintendo Wii.

Remember if you are a work at home mom or dad, the exercise chair is a feasible alternative to the office chair. Check it out at my website at Throw away the Office Chair. Check it out. I have never felt so much better since I changed over to the exercise ball.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Wii Fit Was Main Form of Exercise

January 12th was a day off. January 13 and 14th I used Wii Fit for 50 minutes to run. January 15th I had one good work out with Wii Sports Boxing. Took less of a break between fights. I also tried to throw more punches during the bouts. It was one vigourous workout. We had a large chicken dinner. I use Spring Valley - Papaya Enzyme, 180 Chewable Tablets when I eat a larger meal than ordinary, or if I eat beef, pork or processed meats. This aids in digestion. When I used to do weight lifting many years ago, I would use it when I ate my large meals. While I have quit the weight lifting, I still use the Spring Valley - Papaya Enzyme, 180 Chewable Tablets when I have a larger meal than ordinary. I have a weak spot for fish and fowl. I eat too much. So, if you are looking for a good natural digestive aid try Spring Valley - Papaya Enzyme, 180 Chewable Tablets
Even though today is my day off, I will probably play Shaun White Snowboarding. It is a great game. I know I will have a lot of fun, and it will help me burn a few calories at the same time.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lots of Running with Active Life' Outdoor Challenge and Wii Fit.

On January 9th I used Active Life Outdoor Challenge and did the endurance exercise. Worked up a good sweat. I will have to weigh myself soon just to see how I am doing. I am getting awesome sleeps though. I wake up refreshed and ready to go.

On Jaunuary 10th was a day off. It was a nice relaxing day.
January 11th was a 40 minute jog with Wii Fit, and 20 minutes of shoveling snow. I should have an excellent sleep tonight. I am enjoying this blog. Every time I want to take a day off, I feel that someone is watching me. So, I get up and do something with the Wii.

I hope to find my little camera and put up a video soon about how I feel.

I am not really counting calories. We will see on January 15th whether I will have to make some sort of adjustment to my diet.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Exercising and Burning Calories from January 4th to January 8th

I have been too busy shoveling snow to contribute to this diet. On January 4th I did the endurance exercises with Active Life Outdoor Challenge. This was an excellent work out. I am actually starting to enjoy this more than Wii Fit with Hardware and Bag Bundle for Nintendo Wii. The Wii Fit balance board is worth it for other other games.

On January 5th I used Wii Sports Boxing . I did my 15 rounds and was totally and utterly exhausted.

On January 6th I took the day off.

On January 7th I used the Wii Fit with Hardware and Bag Bundle for Nintendo Wii and did my 50 minutes of jogging on the spot. You shouldn't jog on the balls of your feet, you should jog with your feet flat.

On January 8th I used Wii Sports Boxing . I was a little ticked because I won two fights and I lost points on my professional ranking with Wii Sports. But then I told myself, that I was using Wii Sports for exercising, and that it was ok.


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Two Days of Exercising with the Nintendo Wii

On January 2nd I used Wii Sports - boxing and January 3rd I used the Active Life Outdoor Challenge
. I am actually beginning to prefer the Active Life Outdoor Challenge
to the Wii Fit for Aerobics. There is a section in the Exercise section that encourages endurance, that uses several aerobics exercises. I was sweating hard today. Tomorrow will be my day off. I will probably use Shaun White Snowboarding This game actually gives your legs, thighs and abs a good workout and it is a lot of fun too.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

December was mean to my Weight Loss

How did I gain 5 lbs over the last month? It was all the good food! I was over festive! I ate too much! Now tomorrow, a more rational approach to what I eat. Moderation and lots of good exercise. My goal is to lose 1.5 lbs every two weeks.
Keeping a journal online really works. Today I was busy on January 1st, I was ready to forgo my exercising, but I felt I had to through with it. I pulled out my Wii Fit and did my 45 minutes of jogging. I think that the cats really appreciated it, as I run back and forth with a string so that they can chase it. The cat usually bores of it after about 10 minutes, but the kitten will run with me for the total 50 minutes.
I ate whatever I could. Tomorrow, I will worry about what I eat, but today I will eat whatever I can.